You have arrived on the RFQ page for part number VACON0010-1L-0004-2-R02 by Vacon, one of the leading manufacturers we have placed on our Approved Vendor List (AVL). As one of the Vacon AC Drives, 10 Series items featured on our catalog of Motors Drives And Accessories parts, the particular part you are interested in is available for immediate purchase at any time. In order to commence the procurement process, be sure to fill out the form on this page with relevant information regarding your budget parameters and desired part quantities. With these details, a skilled account manager will craft a customized quote that has been tailored to your needs and restrictions alike within 15 minutes or less of receiving your submission.
Part number VACON0010-1L-0004-2-R02 is just one of the numerous Vacon AC Drives, 10 Series items that we carry within the Motors Drives And Accessories section of our database. Quality is the cornerstone of our operations at Industrial Parts Services, and as such, all products that we sell have been produced by global manufacturers like Vacon that have been vetted before being added to our Approved Vendor List (AVL). Moreover, we subject countless components to quality assurance measures such as document verification and visual inspection to guarantee their caliber prior to purchase. To receive the best industrial automation parts the industry has to offer, get started by filling out an RFQ form today, and our team of industry experts will be available to assist you through every stage of procurement.
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AC Line Regenerative | No |
Amps (CT) | 3.7 Amps |
Braking Type | Flux Braking;DC Injection |
Closed Loop | No |
Frame Size | MI2 |
Gross Weight | 1 lb 9 oz |
H x W x D | 7.68 in x 3.54 in x 4.02 in |
HP (CT) | 1 Horsepower |
Input Phase | 1 |
Input Range VAC | 208 to 240 Volts AC |
IP Rating | IP20 |
Max. Frequency | 320 Hertz |
Motor Control-Max Level | Open Loop Vector (Sensorless Vector) |
Mounting | Panel |
Net Weight | 1 lb 9 oz |
Operator Controls | Built In |
Refurbished | New |
Series | 10 |
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